Spinner of Dreams by K.A. Reynolds
Have you ever experienced the absolute joy of stumbling upon a book you didn’t know you needed? Perhaps the font made you think of something or maybe it was the title. It could be the images on or inside of the book or it could be the blurb in the jacket. Sometimes there doesn’t even need to be a reason for why a book speaks to you but you know deep inside that you were meant to find that book. The Spinner of Dreams by #ownvoices K.A. Reynolds was that kind of gem for me.
On the day of her birth eleven year old Annaliese was cursed by an evil enchantress. Even though she is kind and loving, all the people in her town loathe her and her parents because their crops won’t grow and wolves from the forest terrorize them at night. Because of her hard life Annaliese greatly suffers from fear and anxiety and she must learn to have the courage to live her life and believe in her dreams against all odds.
You might love this book too if:
-you want words of a story to be like cozy blankets tucking you in and keeping you warm
-you understand what it is like to be anxious or not fit in with the world around you
-you enjoy talking animals
-you enjoy magic
-you are brave (or want to be)
Here’s to hoping that your reading world is paved with gems!