My son just turned one at the end of last month and he loves
being read to. I’ve noticed that the board books that really grab his attention
are the ones that have actual photographs of people, places and things. I think
he likes seeing images of other little people. These are some of our favorites
right now. And when I say favorites, I mean we sit down to read them over, and
over, and over (and sometimes even over) again.
Baby Up, Baby Down: A First Book of Opposites by Abrams Appleseed
This simple and fun board book introduces baby to the concept of opposites: near/far, up/down, quiet/noisy. But what makes it so much fun are the photographs of toddlers performing each action. My son will laugh as I bring the picture of the toddler close to him for “near”, and then laugh again when I take the toddler away for “far”.
Baby Loves: A First Book of Favorites by Abrams Appleseed
What does baby love? Eating a banana! Can you find the picture of the banana? Just like Baby Up, Baby Down this sweet and simple board book displays photographs of actual toddlers with activities they are engaged in. My son loves trying to find the banana, the sweater the toddler is wearing when it gets chilly and the puppy the toddler is cuddling.
Making Faces, A First Book of Emotions by Abrams Appleseed
In the photograph
is the baby happy, sad, angry, confused, crying, laughing? My son and I go
through making all the faces together. (Well, I make the faces and he looks at
me and laughs). This is a fun book of emotions to share with your little one.
The concepts are simple but the message is sweet: we all have these feelings
and it’s ok to express them.
What books do you like to read with your one year old? We'd love to know!