Have you checked out WPL's monthly virtual cooking program 5-ingredient Cooking with Kids?
You can practice your kitchen skills with simple, yummy recipes using mostly pantry staples!
A new cooking video will be posted on our website in January and February (check out December's class for Overnight Oats here).
It's recommended for ages 7-11.
January's video will be all about making a delicious and healthy smoothie.
Are you wild about cooking and can't wait to make some more yummy recipes at home? Check out our list below! We guarantee that you've never before seen recipes like these!
Cookie Monster's Foodie Truck: A Sesame Street Celebration of Food by Heather E. Schwartz
The Gross Cookbook: Awesome Recipes for (Deceptively) Disgusting Treats Kids Can Make by Susanna Tee
The author promises that these recipes are actually really tasty. You just have to have a strong stomach and be brave enough to open up the book and look at the pictures!
Mermaid Cookbook by Barbara Beery and Kirsten Shultz (Photographer)
Kid Chef Junior Bakes: My First Kids Baking Cookbook by Charity Mathews and Marija Vidal (photographer)