The Bear and the Moon written by Matthew Burgess and illustrated by Cátia Chien
One of the best things about working in a library is being surrounded by other people who love books. The Bear and the Moon is a gorgeous picture book that my colleague, Iris recommended to me and I'm thrilled to share it with you!
Have you ever made a mistake?
Lost something or someone you loved?
Felt alone?
Have you ever felt joy as well as sadness?
The Bear and the Moon, a tenderly written story of a bear's friendship with a balloon that falls down from the sky, evokes all of these universal emotions and experiences. Bear's life is lit up as he dances and plays with the balloon but when it accidentally bursts, words can't express the pain he feels. Cátia Chien's depiction of the moon steadfastly glowing among velvet swathes of color, is just like being wrapped up in the warmest duvet. The words and art in the story soften the grit and roughness that bear feels and shows us that we can still find comfort even in the hardest of days.