June Almeida, Virus Detective!: The Woman Who Discovered the First Human Coronavirus written by Suzanne Slade and illustrated by Elisa Paganelli
June's amazing revelations from the past are helping us to beat COVID-19 today!
The Girl Who Rode a Shark & Other Stories of Daring Women by Ailsa Ross and illustrated by Amy Blackwell
Includes stories about women on all kinds of adventures like: recovering lost dinosaur remains (Bolortsetseg Minjin), flying a plane (Bessie Coleman), surfing (Silvana Lima), fighting for education reform (Shannen Koostachin), riding a shark (Kimi Warner), getting lost in the jungle (Isabel Godin), escaping from war-torn places (Nujeen Mustafa), and more!
Superheroes are Everywhere written by Kamala Harris and illustrated by Mechal Renee Roe
The coolest part of this book is that it celebrates people who are not famous but who still do amazing things.
*Also available in our brand new format Wonderbook (portable audiobook player charged and ready to go-right inside the book)!
We Must Not Forget: Holocaust Stories of Survival and Resistance by Deborah Hopkinson
Little-known survival stories about kids who lived during the Holocaust.
What Kids Did: Stories of Kindness and Invention In the Time of COVID-19 by Erin Silver
Just 12 more reasons why kids are awesome:)
Perfectly Imperfect Stories: Meet 28 Inspiring People and Discover their Mental Health Stories by Leo Potion and illustrated by Ana Strumf
This book reminds us that the most important thing is to live life with courage and kindness to ourselves and others.