Once upon a time it was Tell a Fairy Tale Day! What’s the best thing to do on that day, February 26th? Check out some of our awesome fairy tale books at the library from around the world and their retellings:
F is for Fairy Tale by Greg Paprocki
Let’s Tell a Story! Fairy Tale Adventure written by Lily Murray and illustrated by Wesley Robins
Reading Beauty written by Deborah Underwood and illustrated by Meg Hunt
Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas written by Natasha Yim and illustrated by Grace Zong
The Brothers Grimm Little Red Riding Hood illustrated by Sybille Schenker and translated by Anthea Bell
Sleeping Beauty written by Cynthia Rylant and illustrated by Erin McGuire
Rapunzel by Rachel Isadora
Fairest of All (part of the Whatever After series) by Sarah Mlynowski
Also available in eAudio and eBook.
Half Upon a Time by James Riley (series)
Available to request from other libraries outside of Worcester.
A Tale Dark & Grimm by Adam Gidwitz
Also available in eBook.
Snow & Rose by Emily Winfield Martin
Also available in Audiobook, eBook, and eAudio formats.
A Wolf For A Spell written by Karah Sutton and illustrated by Pauliina Hannuniemi
Beasts and Beauty: Dangerous Tales by Soman Chainani and Julia Iredale